First do the heat from condensing to water, then temperature from 100 to 0 degrees, then changing from water to ice, then the final temperature is based on whatever is left.
1.5 x 22.6x10^5 = 33.9 x 10^5 steam to water
4186 x 1.5 x 100 = 627900 100 degrees to 0 degrees
1.5 x 33.5x10^4 = 50.25 x 10^4 water to ice
total so far... 4520400 joules
1.5 x T x 2x10^3
5.2 x 10^6 = 5200000J - 4520400J = 679600 J / (1.5 x 2x10^3)
T = 226.53 below zero